Entering a Cooking Contest? Here Are Some Tips

When you are looking for a Cooking Contest to enter a good place to start is magazines, newspapers and the internet.

They tend to keep up the cooking trends such as ingredients, seasonings, ethnic cuisines, nutrition concerns and what is new in the cooking world. Sponsors want recipes that consumers will really try, so your Cooking Contest recipe should have broad appeal and not require hard-to-find ingredients. With that said, it all depends on the rules and requirements. The rules will dictate which direction you will need to go with your recipe. Not one Cooking Contest is never like the next. Being original is key but you also have to follow the rules.

Make sure you know the rules of every Cooking Contest you are entering and read them through carefully.
Too many participants have been disqualified from a particular Cooking Contest because they didn’t pay attention to the rules. Sometimes even the most minor screw up will get you thrown from competition. The saying “you eat with your eye’s” is so true. The appearance of a dish sets the tone and the way a dish tastes is the bottom line. Make sure you have your family and friends try out your “Masterpiece” before you enter it into a Cooking Contest.
Naming your dish is very important. A creative and unusual name will get the judges’ attention for sure.

Use descriptive words that capture the feeling of your dish. For instance, say you have entered a Hamburger Grilling Contest. The “All American Burger” will not get you to far if you know what we mean. Not very “original”. Unless, the Cooking Contest rules state that main focus is on taste only. Otherwise, look to your ingredients that you want to use for ideas. Special occasions and Holidays can sometimes spark an idea. The 1# place to start is to take a look at the rules of the Cooking Contest you want to enter. Once you know that, the possibilities are endless. We suggest brainstorming and writing anything and everything down that comes to mind. There is no such thing as a right or wrong idea no matter what culinary background, skills or expertize that you or the judges bring to the table. One dish made on that day with those judges might not pan out, but it might with others. Just remember a Cooking Contest is totally subjective.

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You can check out the popular food magazines and see what the latest buzz is, again it all depends on what the rules are for each particular Cooking Contest. Keeping it simple is definitely the way to go. Make sure your ingredients can be found at most markets. Complicated recipes don’t often win, and if you have to go to another country to get the ingredients you can forget it. You have lost the Cooking Contest before you even have started. Appearance is very important. It might taste delicious, and also look appetizing. Food presentation is an art. That is why it is called “Culinary Art”. Not a chef? Don’t worry, anyone can a win a Cooking Contest. The judges do not care if you went to some world famous culinary school or not. What matters is presentation, taste and if you can make their pallet jump for joy.

Here are some ongoing Cooking Contests. You can find a Cooking Contest that is right for you on all levels and types.

The All-New Bake-Off Cooking Contest It’s bigger, better and fresher than ever. While the grand-prize remains the same awesome size of$1 million dollars. They are adding even more fun. There is three updated recipe categories, brand-new location “Vegas” and, best of all, Pillsbury members get to choose which 100 recipes make it to the finals.

Vermont Maple Cooking Contest The Vermont Maple Syrup and Maple Products contest, which is held annually at the Maple Exhibit hall, is the largest maple contest in Vermont. The winners of this contest deserve to be recognized as having made the “Best of Vermont,” a laudable achievement in a state already know for the outstanding quality of its maple products. The maple syrup contest will include three Vermont table grades: Vermont Fancy, Medium Amber, Dark Amber.

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Punkin Chunkin Cooking Contest & Chili Cookoff

All Chili entries must be received and displayed at the assigned table in the Food Contest Display Tent. Late entries cannot be judged, but they are welcome as part of the taste samples and auction. All entries must contain canned, frozen or fresh pumpkin (pumpkin pie spice does not count). Recipes need not be originals. Each entry must have its own entry form and be accompanied by the complete recipe which includes instructions for preparation. For more details on this Cooking Contest visit: http://www.punkinchunkin.com/cooking-contest-chili-cookoff

The 5th Computer Cooking Contest

You will your digital application during this live competition. Show that the digital technologies you have developed is more creative than the average cook. Your creations will be evaluated by a professional cook and a group of international scientists! This takes the average Cooking Contest to a technological level.